A portrait of Ndimofor Aretas smiling

πŸ‘‹πŸΎ Hello World! πŸ‘‰πŸΎ I'm Ndimofor Aretas

Web Developer

With a passion for ICTs in general and <Code/> in particular, I can help you turn your dreams into reality .

The Cameroon Flag The British Flag The American Flag The German Flag

I speak 3+ languages ...

English, French, German, Abongne'lah and 4 others from Cameroon.

Let's Connect Learn more ↓

as a freelance ict trainer, educator and digital rights advocate

Denis Miki Foundation logo Gate Inc logo Technovation-Challenge-Logo MTN logo MTN logo

Demos, Websites and Games

Quotes generator

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.

β€” Aristotle
  • Listen to the quote.

  • Copy the quote.

    Tweet the quote.

A screenshot of the omnifood project website

Omnifood AI Project

A sample website for a fictitious AI based food delivery service.

To Omnifood
A screenshot of the omnifood project website

Dicy Luck

A fun game for 2 involving rolling a dice up to 100pts. (For best experience, please use a laptop and play with a friend πŸ‘₯)

Try it
A screenshot of the omnifood project website

Guess my number!

Try to guess the computer's number! You have 20 attempts. Good Luck! (For best experience, please use a laptop)

Try it
A screenshot of the forkify project website

The Forkify Project

A project based on the Forkify API by Jonas Schmedtmann (@jonasschmedtmann) which returns a list of recipes for a specific query.

To Forkify

Some of my skills and tools

  • An HTML5 logo



  • An HTML5 logo


    Layout, Design & Responsiveness

  • An HTML5 logo




My Top 6 most frequently asked questions


How good is your German?

Good and getting better! I have been since July 2021, Telc C1 certified. I still practice daily to improve upon my German proficiency. Both spoken and written.


How and when did you learn to speak so many languages?

The late Nelson Mandela once said;

β€œIf you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”
Through 9+ years as an ICT Educator, Trainer and Pedagog, I have worked with diverse teams, groups and communities and I used Nelson Mandela's principle to be able to talk to their hearts.


Are you ready to learn and work with new Technology?

I was born ready and strongly believe that he who dares code should never stop learning!

Alvin Toffler, the well-known futurist, put it this way;

β€œThe illiterate of the 21st century, will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”


Can you work remotely?

Yes I can!


What was this site built with?

  • I started off by laying the foundation with Figma for starters.
  • Then marked up the plan with HTML5 while CSS3 handled layout.
  • To roof things up, I added dynamism with Javascript (ES6).
  • Finally I polished it up with a touch of creativity, enthusiasm and love !


Do you have a life outside work?

Of course! I even live a double life.

→ By day, when I'm not in front of my Laptop, I am either;

  • spending quality time with my family,
  • strumming a few chords on my guitar, or entertain with karoake
  • sometimes finding inner joy by volunteering,
  • or just reading a book.
  • Staying fit is not left out of my list.

→ By night, I sleep!

Let's connect

How may I be of service?

I would love to hear from you:

Just tell me the WHAT, WHEN and WHERE. I'll take care of the HOW.